Welcome to Canfield Christian Church!
We are a faithful, growing, enthusiastic church, that envisions and honestly attempts true community, deep Christian spirituality, a passion for justice. We believe that all people are children of God.
We accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and we obey him in baptism. We do not require our members to give assent to any other statement of belief or creed. Nor is there any "official" interpretation of the Bible. We are part of a movement for wholeness as people of faith and service.
Here are some of the things you can expect when you visit our church:
A warm welcome from our friendly members
Inspiring worship services
Opportunities to learn and grow in your faith
A variety of ministries to meet your needs
A sense of community and belonging
We hope you will join us soon!
Special Message from the General Minister and President
"As Disciples of Christ, we seek to protect the right of each congregation to worship and serve in their spaces as they wish to do...
As part of this multifaith coalition, we seek to affirm that we do indeed welcome all."
For the statement and some background explaining it, please click here.
Lenten Breakfasts Begin March 5

Contact Information
Canfield Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Canfield, Ohio 44406