As Canfield Christian goes through this interim year, we have the opportunity to think about and discuss our future. A letter to members has gone out during the first week in June, offering the opportunity to meet informally several times this month, with pastoral visits also a possibility. The questions below are going out with that letter. The questions are not especially easy, but in attempting to answer some of them, we have the opportunity to create a stronger future for our church and community.
Canfield Christian Church
Visioning Discussion
Purpose: Define and Discover Future Mission, Vision, and Commitments
What Kind Of Church is God Calling Us To Become?
How Can We Do Better Those Activities We Are Already Doing Well”
What Do The People In Our Neighborhood Need From Us?
What Should Canfield Christian Church Offer:
That You Will Be Most Comfortable Inviting People To Participate In?
Meet Unmet Community Needs
What Can We Do To Encourage New People To Participate In Our Mission & Vision – That Nurtures Personal Commitments To Serving Through Canfield Christian Church?
Proposed Summary Statement For Webpage Introduction:
"The year 2016 is a year of renewal for Canfield Christian Church. With the leadership of Interim Minister Rev. Ed Allen, the church is meeting, discussing, and envisioning a new mission within Canfield and the surrounding communities. Even in our seemingly prosperous area, there are needs waiting to be met, and we are seeking one(s) for which we are suited, or for which we can best "equip" ourselves as individuals and as church. We expect to emerge from this year with a clearer vision, a new minister, and a working mission for our small but vital part of Christ's mission in the world."