Wright, N. T. with Kristie Berglund. Revelation: 22 Studies for Individuals and Groups. InterVarsity Press, 2012.
(the main weekly source for our group)
Allen, Ronald J. and Robert D. Cornwell. Second Thoughts about the Second Coming: Understanding the End Times, Our Future, and Christian Hope. Westminister John Knox Press, 2023.
(an optional resource "for the curious, with time") Ron Allen will be joining several of our Zoom sessions.
Definitions below provided by Harper Collins Bible Dictionary, edited by Mark Allen Powell – Revised & Updated Copyright © 2011 by the Society of Biblical Literature, HarperCollins Publishers
New Revised Standard. Bible Gateway
A Theology Wordbook for the Curious
Apocalypse (up-pok'-uh-lips) see Revelation
- Pseudonymous author
- Addressees who are experiencing suffering and persecution
- Attempts to motivate faithfulness in a time of crisis
- Heavy use of symbolism, including numbers and colors
- Engagement with otherworldly beings: angels, demons, etc.
- A bizarre menagerie of fantastic creatures
Eschatology (es'kuh-tol'uh-jee), beliefs or teaching about last things. The word derives from eschatos, the Greek word for "last." Biblical writings often distinguish between the present age or eon, the period of history in which life is being lived, and the future, coming age, or period of transformed existence that God will bring at the end of history. The latter age or eon is sometimes also referred to as the age to come, the kingdom of God, the new world, or messianic age.
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Millennium, a thousand-year period or, generally, an era of permanent peace, joy, and blessings on earth or elsewhere. Ps. 90:4, praising the everlasting God, declares that a thousand years in God's sight "are like yesterday."
Revelation. The concept of revelation in the Bible assumes an unveiling of what was always true, whether as enduring reality, past event, or foreordained future. The term also implies that, although whatever is being revealed was true all along, it has been truth that was concealed or largely unknown.
Testimony. 1 The laws of God as a directive for one's life . 2 Observations about the world or life based on common perceptions or one's personal experience. 3 The claims that a witness makes in court and the evidence that might be cited in support of those claims (Mark 14:55-59).
Revelation Two
Ephesus (ef'uh-suhs) A wealthy port city in western Asia Minor, home of the cult of a popular mother goddess, later adapted into the Greek goddess Artimis.
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Smyrna (smuhr'nuh) A wealthy coastal city in Asia minor. It is the only city in Revelation which does not receive a rebuke or call to repentance.
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Pergamum (puhr'guh-muhm) A city in western Asia Minor, famous as being an early and prominent city of Emperor worship.
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Thyatira (thi'uh-ti'ruh) An inland
ity in Asia Minor, home of a woman compared to Jezebel because of her attempts to lead the community astray. Earlier in the century, Paul's first convert at Phillipi was Lydia, a dealer in purple dye from Thyatira.
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Laodicea (lay-od'i-see-uh) A prosperous commercial city in Northwest Asia Minor. It was adjacent to one of the ancient trade routes from the east, and a neighbor to Hierapolis, a city noted for its hot springs. Laodicea's aquaduct water seemed lukewarm in comparison.
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